We all need a vision
8 Jan 2019
“ A vision is meaningful and significant and one that if you believe will happen, can happen. ”
I am just back from Dubai, after launching OnelifeMapp for 2019. As part of my trip I had the opportunity to get know the area, the people and the culture. What struck me the most was the country's vision for its self. In 1996, only having a small number of tall office blocks, to now having hundreds plus the creation of new and exciting city, Dubai South. It's vision is shared amongst its people and communities, ex-pats and locals alike, all contributing in their own way, turning that vision into a reality. This vision is not one that can be achieved overnight, it is a long term 50year vision that was carefully crafted with insight and purpose. This vision will impact all of those who live and work in Dubai and all will have an important part to play when the vision is realised.
It got me thinking about why visions are so important, and my conclusion is simple, they are very important. They go beyond the goals we would normally set ourselves, they stretch our thinking and take us out of our comfort zone because they're at present out of reach. They focus on feelings and what it would be like when we eventually reach our vision. Meaning we already have an emotional connection to it, so it keeps us motivated and provides us with the energy and drive we need to reach it.
Once we start to believe it's possible and that we can achieve it then it provides us with a way forward. A vision for yourself and what you want to achieve in your life is way more important than a smart objective or a new years resolution. A vision is meaningful and significant and one that if you believe will happen, can happen.
Why not start now to create your own vision for your future. You can be as bold as you want to be, you can go as big as you dare to go. Remember it is your vision, you have created it which means you're in the driving seat, so you can go as fast or as slow as you need to.
So like Dubai invest in the creation of your vision with insight and purpose, keep yourself on track, don't hold yourself back or allow other things to stop you or get in your way. If you remain true to your vision, you will be amazed at what you will accomplish.