Be A Leader And The Reason For Change Through Personal Development
9 Jun 2020
“ Gillian McMichael discusses living in world that is lacking direction & leadership. Learn more about how investing in personal development can help us become leaders & keep us grounded in a new world. ”
I'm saddened by what I'm hearing and seeing across the world whilst living in my bubble of current existence. The world leadership is at an all time low and the undercurrent of discontent has become visible to all.
The life we once had is no longer relevant, we have moved on. But we have no idea about what we're moving onto. We have seen a man suffocated to his death for the whole world to see, the economy is in turmoil and over 65% of the population are either on furlough or could potentially lose their jobs. We are a living in world that is lacking purpose, lacking direction and lacking leadership.
It's at times like these where I have to ask where is the voice of reason, the compassionate, authentic voice, the one that is rational, thoughtful and fair. I can't seem to hear it.
The only voice I can hear is my own, it's the only one I can rely on and it's the one deep inside me. The one that is rational, considerate and compassionate. The one who treats others with respect, dignity and is an equal. I know you too, have a voice like this.
We are all responsible for our behaviour, for how we interact with others, and how we show up in our lives. Respect, dignity and being treated as an equal, is a basic need that should not be overlooked, but instead should be honoured. Yet most of us are lost, confused, and unsteady.
Having been thrust into isolation and told to stop immediately leaves for no room for gentle adjustment just shock therapy and most probably one of the biggest come downs we've ever experienced. But now is the time to get ourselves together, not to change the world, but to change ourselves. Because if we change, the world around us changes too.
It's time to get grounded, to find ourselves again in the new world that we can create around us. We can be the leaders, the voice of reason, the one that is rational, considerate and compassionate. Now is the time to use the voice that resides deep with you, call it forth, bring it out into the open and be your reason for change. If you change, the world around you changes too.